Ultra-High Thermocouple

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Ultra-High Thermocouple

Ultra-High Thermocouples are commonly used in various industries, including aerospace, metallurgy, and other high-temperature processes. They are known for their stability and accuracy in extreme temperature conditions up to 2300°C.

Depending upon the sheath material selected, these probes may be used in inert applications, high purity hydrogen, reducing or vacuum conditions. 

  • Type R – Pt13%Rh-Pt (max 1600°C)
  • Type S – Pt10%Rh-Pt (max 1600°C)
  • Type B – Pt30%Rh-Pt6%Rh (max 1750°C)
  • Type C – W5%Rh-W26%Rh (max 2300°C)

Thermocouples can be supplied as bare wire or as a  high temperature thermocouple with a protection tube of Tantalum or Molybdenum or as mi-cable with Pt10Rh sheath material.

In addition to the thermocouple material, we also supply extension cables to extend your sensors safely and cost-effectively in the process.


  • Aerospace 
  • Steel plants
  • Glas factories
  • Nuclear applications
  • Heat treatment
  • Vacuum furnaces